Publishing an OCR ground truth data set for reuse in an unclear copyright setting. Two case studies with legal and technical solutions to enable a collective OCR ground truth data set effort

Closed Peer Review
Data Paper
David Lassner Autoreninformationen
Julius Coburger Autoreninformationen
Clemens Neudecker Autoreninformationen
Anne Baillot Autoreninformationen

DOI: 10.17175/sb005_006

Nachweis im OPAC der Herzog August Bibliothek: 1780168195

Erstveröffentlichung: 10.12.2021

Lizenz: Sofern nicht anders angegeben Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Medienlizenzen: Medienrechte liegen bei den Autor*innen.

Letzte Überprüfung aller Verweise: 02.12.2021

GND-Verschlagwortung: Informatik | Maschinelles Lernen | Optische Zeichenerkennung | Urheberrecht |

Empfohlene Zitierweise: David Lassner, Julius Coburger, Clemens Neudecker, Anne Baillot: Publishing an OCR ground truth data set for reuse in an unclear copyright setting. Two case studies with legal and technical solutions to enable a collective OCR ground truth data set effort. In: Fabrikation von Erkenntnis – Experimente in den Digital Humanities. Hg. von Manuel Burghardt, Lisa Dieckmann, Timo Steyer, Peer Trilcke, Niels Walkowski, Joëlle Weis, Ulrike Wuttke. Wolfenbüttel 2021. (= Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften / Sonderbände, 5) text/html Format. DOI: 10.17175/sb005_006


In dieser Arbeit stellen wir einen OCR-Trainingsdatensatz für historische Drucke vor und zeigen, wie sich im Vergleich zu unspezifischen Modellen die Erkennungsgenauigkeit verbessert, wenn sie mithilfe dieser Daten weitertrainiert werden. Wir erörtern die Nachnutzbarkeit dieses Datensatzes anhand von zwei Experimenten, die die rechtliche Grundlage zur Veröffentlichung digitalisierter Bilddateien am Beispiel von deutschen und englischen Büchern des 19. Jahrhunderts betrachten. Wir präsentieren ein Framework, mit dem OCR-Trainingsdatensätze veröffentlicht werden können, auch wenn die Bilddateien nicht zur Wiederveröffentlichung freigegeben sind.

We present an OCR ground truth data set for historical prints and show improvement of recognition results over baselines with training on this data. We reflect on reusability of the ground truth data set based on two experiments that look into the legal basis for reuse of digitized document images in the case of 19th century English and German books. We propose a framework for publishing ground truth data even when digitized document images cannot be easily redistributed.

1. Introduction

[1]Digital access to Cultural Heritage is a key challenge for today’s society. It has been improved by Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which is the task by which a computer program extracts text from a digital image in order to draw the text from that image and present it in a machine-readable form. For historical prints, off-the-shelf OCR solutions often result in inaccurate readings. Another impediment to accessing digitized cultural heritage data consists in the fact that cultural heritage institutions provide online access to massive amounts of digitized images of historical prints that have not been (or have been poorly) OCRed. Solutions to improve this situation would benefit a wide range of actors, be they scholars or a general audience. Many actors would indeed profit greatly from methods conceived to extract high quality machine-readable text from images.

[2]The results of an OCR method can be improved significantly by using a pre-trained model and fine-tuning it on only a few samples that display similar characteristics.[1] To that end, there has been a growing effort from the Digital Humanities community to create and publish data sets for specific historical periods, languages and typefaces aiming at enabling scholars to fine-tune OCR models for their collection of historical documents.[2] In Germany, the DFG-funded OCR-D initiative brings together major research libraries with the goal to create an open source framework for the OCR of historical printed documents, including specifications and guidelines for OCR ground truths.[3]

[3]In order to improve OCR results, images and the corresponding transcriptions are collected in such a way that each pair (image and text) only represents one line of text from the original page. This is called a ground truth data set and is precisely what we will focus on in the following.

[4]Besides the fact that creating transcriptions of images manually is tedious work, another major issue arises from this type of collective effort in that the institutions that produce the scan often claim some form of copyright to it. For example, on the first page of any of their PDFs, Google Books »[…] request[s] that you use these files for personal, non-commercial purposes«[4]. As a consequence, a scholar aiming to create an OCR ground truth data set would not know with certainty whether the rights to redistribute the textline images derived from the PDF can be considered as granted.

[5]In this paper, we present an OCR ground truth data set with an unclear copyright setting for the image data. We discuss the legal background, show the relevance of the data set and provide in-depth analysis of its constitutiq on and reuse by investigating two different approaches to overcome the copyright issues.

[6]In order to address these issues, we compare in the following two ways to publish the OCR ground truth data set with image data.

  • As Google Books works with cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) to digitize books, we asked permission from the CHIs to redistribute the image data.
  • We published a data set formula, which consists of the transcriptions, links to the image sources, and a description on how to build the data set. For this process, we provide a fast, highly automated framework that enables others to reproduce the data set.

2. Legal background and its interpretation at CHIs

[7]Clarifying the copyright situation for the scans of a book collection requires to take into account, for each book, the cultural heritage institution owning the book (usually a library), and, in the case of private-public partnerships, also the scanning institution (e. g. Google Books) involved in its digitization. For Google Books, there exist different contracts between CHIs and Google, and not all of them are open to public inspection. However, based on comparing the ones that are available, we assume that other contracts are to some extent similar (see List of Contracts). The contracts contain information on the ›Library Digital Copy‹ for which non-profit uses are defined under Section 4.8 (cf. British Library Google Contract), which states that a

»Library may provide all or any portion of the Library Digital Copy, that is [...] a Digital Copy of a Public Domain work to (a) academic institutions or research libraries, or (b) when requested by Library and agreed upon in writing by Google, other not-for-profit or government entities that are not providing search or hosting services substantially similar to those provided by Google.«[5]

[9]When trying to unpack this legal information against the use case presented here, multiple questions arise. What are the legal possibilities for individual scholars regarding the use of the Library Digital Copy of a Public Domain work? How can there be limitations in the use of a Public Domain work? Is the use case of OCR model training substantially similar to any search or hosting services provided by Google? Would and can libraries act as brokers in negotiating written agreements about not-for-profit use with Google?

[10]In the continuation of Section 4.8, additional details are specified with regard to data redistribution by ›Additional institutions‹ where

»[a written agreement with Google] will prohibit such Additional institution from redistributing [...] portions of the Library Digital Copy to other entities (beyond providing or making content available to scholars and other users for educational or research purposes.«[6]

[12]This brings up further questions but also opens the perspective a bit, since there appear to be exceptions for »scholars and other users for educational or research purposes«[7], which is a precise fit of the use case we present here. Now what does this mean in practice? Digital Humanities scholars are not necessarily legal experts, so how do libraries that have entered public-private-partnerships with Google for digitization of Public Domain works implement these constraints? Schöch et al. discuss a wide range of use cases in the area of text and data mining with copyright protected digitized documents, but they do not cover the creation and distribution of ground truth.[8] In other scenarios that involve copyrighted texts published in derived formats, one question typically preventing redistribution is whether it is possible to re-create the (copyright-protected) work from the derived parts. In the case of textline ground truth, it is however likely that this would constitute a violation of such a principle. In this unclear setting, scholars are in need of support and guidance by CHIs.

Institution Total # books Total # pages Response time (# working days) Allowed to publish as part of the paper Allowed to license Alternative source Responsible Citation needed
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 4 12 3 yes yes yes yes yes
Biblioteca Statale Isontina Gorizia 1 3
Bodleian Library 11 20 2 yes, alternative already CC-BY-NC yes yes yes
British Library 1 35 4 no no no yes
Harvard University, Harvard College Library 1 3 0 yes yes yes no yes
New York Public Library 5 29 3 no no no
Austrian National Library 2 6 10 yes, alternative no yes yes yes
Robarts – University of Toronto 2 3
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 6 4 0 yes yes no yes yes
University of Wisconsin – Madison 8 24 2 yes yes no no no

Tab. 1: Responses of library institutions to our request to grant permission to publish excerpts of the scans for which they were contractors of the digitization. Most institutions responded within a few working days and except for the fact that most acknowledged the public domain of the items, the responses were very diverse. Many answered that they are either not responsible or only responsible for their Library Copy of the PDF. [Lassner et al. 2021]

[13]We have asked ten CHIs for permission to publish image data that was digitized based on their collection in order to publish them as part of an OCR ground truth data set under a CC-BY license. As shown in Table 1, the institutions gave a wide variety of responses. Many institutions acknowledged that the requested books are in the public domain because they were published before the year 1880. However, there is no general consensus on whether the CHIs are actually responsible for granting these rights, especially if one wants to use the copy from the Google Books or Internet Archive servers. Some institutions stated that they are only responsible for their Library Copy of the scan and granted permission to publish only from that source. Only two institutions, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign stated that they are responsible and that we are allowed to also use the material that can be found on the Google Books or Internet Archive servers.

[14]This case study underlines the lack of a clear and simple framework of reference that would be recognized and applied, and would reflect on good practices in the relationships between CHIs and digital scholarship. The lack of such a framework is addressed among others by the DARIAH initiative of the Heritage Data Reuse Charter[9] that was launched in 2017. Another approach towards such a framework is that of the ›digital data librarian‹.[10]

3. Description of the data set

[15]In the data set that we want to publish in the context of our OCR ground truth, we do not own the copyright for the image data.[11] We therefore distinguish between the data set formula and the built data set. We publish the data set formula which contains the transcriptions, the links to the images and a recipe on how to build the data set.

[16]The data set formula and source code are published on Github[12] and the version 1.1 we are referring to in this paper is mirrored on the open access repository Zenodo.[13] The data set is published under a CC-BY 4.0 license and the source code is published under an Apache license.

3.1 Origin

[17]The built data set contains images from editions of books by Walter Scott and William Shakespeare in the original English and in translations into German that were published around 1830.

[18]The data set was created as part of a research project that investigates how to implement stylometric methods that are commonly used to analyze the style of authors with the goal of analyzing that of translators. The data set was organized in such a way that other variables like authors of the documents or publication date can be ruled out as a confounder of the translator style.

[19]We found that 1830 Germany was especially suitable for the research setting we had in mind. Due to an increased readership in Germany around 1830, there was a growing demand in books. Translating foreign publications into German turned out to be particularly profitable because, at that time, there was no copyright regulation that would apply equally across German-speaking states. There was no general legal constraint to regulate payments to the original authors of books or as to who was allowed to publish a German translation of a book. Therefore, publishers were competing in translating most recent foreign works into German, which resulted in multiple German translations by different translators of the same book at the same time. To be the first one to publish a translation into German, publishers resorted to what was later called translation factories, optimized for translation speed.[14] The translators working in such ›translation factories‹ were not specialized in the translation of one specific author. It is in fact not rare to find books from different authors translated by the same translator.

3.2 Method

[20]We identified three translators who all translated books from both Shakespeare and Scott, sometimes even the same books. We also identified the English editions that were most likely to have been used by the translators. This enabled us to set up a book-level parallel English-German corpus allowing us to, again, rule out the confounding author signal.

[21]As the constructed data set is only available in the form of PDFs from Google Books and the Internet Archive or the respective partner institutions, OCR was a necessary step for applying stylometric tools on the text corpus. To assess the quality of off-the-shelf OCR methods and to improve the OCR quality, for each book, a random set of pages was chosen for manual transcription.

3.2.1 Preparation

[22]Following the OCR-D initiative’s specifications and best practices,[15] for each book, we created a METS[16] file that contains the link to the source PDF as well as the chosen pages. The following example presents an excerpt from one of the METS files:

Fig. 1: Excerpt of a METS file as used in our data set. For
                    each book, we created one METS file. The link to the resource contains the
                    identifier and the page number. [Lassner et al. 2021]
Fig. 1: Excerpt of a METS file as used in our data set. For each book, we created one METS file. The link to the resource contains the identifier and the page number. [Lassner et al. 2021]

[23]The PDFs have been downloaded from the URLs in this METS file, and the page images have been extracted from the PDF, deskewed and saved as PNG files.[17]

3.2.2 Transcription

[24]For transcription, the standard layout analyzer of Kraken 2.0.8 (depending on the layout either with black or white column separators) has been used and the transcription was pre-filled with either the German Fraktur or the English off-the-shelf model and post-corrected manually. To ensure consistency, some characters were normalized: for example, we encountered multiple hyphenation characters such as - and which were both transcribed by -.

3.2.3 Size

[25]In total, the data set contains 5,354 lines with 224,745 characters. It consists of German and English books from 1815 to 1852. A detailed description of the characteristics of the data set is shown in Table 2.

3.3 Reproducibility and Accessibility

[26]The data set formula has been published as a collection of PAGE files and METS files.[18] The PAGE files contain the transcriptions on line-level and the METS files serve as the container linking metadata, PDF sources and the transcriptions. There exists one METS file per item (corresponding to a Google Books or Internet Archive id) and one PAGE file per PDF page. The following excerpt of an example PAGE file shows how to encode one line of text:

Fig. 2: Excerpt from the PAGE file showing the bounding box of
                       the line on the page image and the corresponding text string. [Lassner et al.
Fig. 2: Excerpt from the PAGE file showing the bounding box of the line on the page image and the corresponding text string. [Lassner et al. 2021]

[27]The <TextLine> contains the absolute pixel coordinates where the text is located on the preprocessed PNG image and the <TextEquiv> holds the transcription of the line.

[28]As shown above, the METS files contain links to the PDFs. Additionally, the METS files contain links to the PAGE files as shown in the following excerpt.

Fig. 3: Excerpt from the METS file as used in our data set. For
                each book, we created one METS file. This part of the METS file contains the
                references to the PAGE files. [Lassner et al. 2021]
Fig. 3: Excerpt from the METS file as used in our data set. For each book, we created one METS file. This part of the METS file contains the references to the PAGE files. [Lassner et al. 2021]

[29]As one can see, there are links from one METS file, namely the one encoding works by Walter Scott’s, Volume 2, published by the Schumann brothers in 1831 in Zwickau, identified by the Google Books id 2jMfAAAAMAAJ, to multiple pages (and PAGE files).

[30]Finally, the METS file contains the relationship between the URLs and the PAGE files in the <mets:structMap> section of the file:

Fig. 4: Excerpt from the METS file as used in our data set. For
                       each book, we created one METS file. Together with the links to the image resources
                       shown in Figure 1, and the links to the PAGE
                       files, the METS file holds the connection between the text lines and the page
                       images. [Lassner et al. 2021]
Fig. 4: Excerpt from the METS file as used in our data set. For each book, we created one METS file. Together with the links to the image resources shown in Figure 1, and the links to the PAGE files, the METS file holds the connection between the text lines and the page images. [Lassner et al. 2021]

[31]In order to reuse the data set, a scholar may then obtain the original image resources from the respective institutions as PDFs, based on the links we provide in the METS files. Then, the pair data set can be created by running the ›make pair_output‹ command in the ›pipelines/‹ directory. For each title, it extracts the PNG images from the PDF, preprocesses them, extracts, crops and saves the line images along respective files containing the text of the line.

[32]Although the image data needs to be downloaded manually, the data set can still be compiled within minutes.

4. Framework for creating, publishing and reusing OCR ground truth data

[33]We have published the framework we developed for the second case study, which enables scholars to create and share their own ground truth data set formulas when they are in the same situation of not owning the copyright for the images they use. This framework offers both directions of functionality:

  • Creating an XML ground truth data set from transcriptions to share it with the public (data set formula) and
  • Compiling an XML ground truth data set into standard OCR ground truth data pairs to train an OCR model (built data set).[19]

[34]As already described in the Sections 3.2 and 3.3 there are multiple steps involved in the creation, publication and reuse of the OCR data set. In this Section, we would like to show that our work is not only relevant for scholars who want to reuse our data set but also for scholars who would like to publish a novel OCR ground truth data set in a similar copyright setting.

4.1 Creation and Publication

  1. Corpus construction: selection of the relevant books and pages
  2. Creation of the METS files[20]
  3. Transcription of the pages
  4. Creation of the PAGE files[21]
  5. Publication of the METS and the PAGE files

4.2 Reuse

  1. Download of the METS and PAGE files
  2. Download of the PDFs as found in the METS files
  3. Creation of the pair data set[22]
  4. Training of the OCR models[23]

[35]In the Section 3.3, the steps listed in Reuse have been described. The download of the transcriptions and the PDFs has to be done manually but for the creation of the pair data set and the training of the models, automation is provided with our framework. We would like to also automatize the download of the PDFs; this, however, remains complicated to implement. The first reason for this is a technical one: soon after starting the download, captchas appear (as early as by the 3rd image), which hinders the automatization. Another reason is the Google Books regulation itself. Page one of any Google Books PDF states explicitly:

»Keine automatisierten Abfragen. Senden Sie keine automatisierten Abfragen irgendwelcher Art an das Google-System. Wenn Sie Recherchen über maschinelle Übersetzung, optische Zeichenerkennung oder andere Bereiche durchführen, in denen der Zugang zu Text in großen Mengen nützlich ist, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns. Wir fördern die Nutzung des öffentlich zugänglichen Materials für diese Zwecke und können Ihnen unter Umständen helfen.«[24]

[37]Finding a way to automatize download could hence not be realized in the context of this project and will have to be addressed in future work.[25]

[38]Additionally, we provide useful templates and automation for the creation of a novel OCR ground truth data set. As already described, we used the Kraken transcription interface to create the transcription. In Kraken, the final version of the transcription is stored in HTML files. We provide a script to convert the HTML transcriptions into PAGE files in order to facilitate interoperability with other OCR ground truth data sets.

[39]Finally, the pair data set can be created from the PAGE transcriptions and the images of the PDFs and the OCR model can be trained.

5. Relevance of the data set

[40]In order to evaluate the impact that the data set has on the accuracy of OCR models, we trained and tested model performance in three different settings. In the first setting, we fine-tuned an individual model for each book in our corpus using a training and an evaluation set of that book and tested the performance of the model on a held-out test set from the same book. In Table 2, we show how this data set has dramatically improved the OCR accuracy on similar documents compared to off-the-shelf OCR solutions. Especially in cases where the off-the-shelf model (baseline) shows a weak performance, the performance gained by fine-tuning is large.

[41]In the second and third setting, we split the data set into two groups: English Antiqua, German Fraktur. There was also one German Antiqua book that we did not put into any of the two groups. For the second setting, we split all data within a group randomly into train set, evaluation set and test set and trained and tested an individual model for each group. In Table 3, the test performance of this setting is shown. For both groups, the fine-tuning improves the character accuracy by a large margin over the baseline accuracy. This experiment shows that overall, the fine-tuning within a group improves the performance of that group and that patterns are learned across individual books.

Google Books or Internet Archive identifier baseline model Train # lines Test # lines Train # chars Test # chars baseline character accuracy fine-tuned character accuracy δ
rDUJAAAAQAAJ en_best 82 11 3520 493 99.8 100.0 0.2
chroniclesofcano02scot en_best 20 3 836 97 100.0 100.0 0.0
anneofgeierstein03scot en_best 20 3 805 138 100.0 100.0 0.0
_QgOAAAAQAAJ en_best 60 8 2659 359 95.54 100.0 4.46
chroniclesofcano03scot en_best 40 5 1766 185 99.46 99.46 0.0
zviTtwEACAAJ fraktur_1_best 66 9 3396 519 98.27 99.23 0.96
quentindurward02scotuoft en_best 39 5 1748 241 99.17 99.17 0.0
3pVMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 92 12 4830 598 96.49 99.16 2.67
2jMfAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 157 20 7386 939 93.5 98.94 5.44
t88yAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 84 11 3345 436 94.5 98.85 4.35
HCRMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 125 16 5100 579 92.23 98.79 6.56
zDTMtgEACAAJ fraktur_1_best 76 10 4277 560 93.93 98.75 4.82
DNUwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 76 10 4147 517 94.58 98.45 3.87
H9UwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 76 10 4017 533 97.19 98.31 1.12
AdiKyqdlp4cC fraktur_1_best 77 10 2827 405 92.84 98.27 5.43
J4knAAAAMAAJ en_best 20 3 851 104 97.12 98.08 0.96
aNQwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 52 7 2752 309 95.79 98.06 2.27
XtEyAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 86 11 3489 383 94.52 97.91 3.39
D5pMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 88 12 4557 546 93.22 97.8 4.58
8AQoAAAAYAAJ fraktur_1_best 71 9 3130 434 94.93 97.7 2.77
Fy4JAAAAQAAJ en_best 20 3 743 125 96.0 97.6 1.6
anneofgeierstein02scot en_best 42 6 1747 204 98.04 97.55 -0.49
u4cnAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 76 10 3936 553 91.5 97.11 5.61
1VUJAAAAQAAJ en_best 85 11 3899 455 94.73 96.7 1.97
quentindurward01scotuoft en_best 20 3 708 86 95.35 95.35 0.0
4zQfAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 159 20 6817 932 87.98 94.74 6.76
7JVMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 89 12 4604 616 65.91 94.32 28.41
YAZXAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 1752 219 66253 8327 80.17 93.61 13.44
8dAyAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 88 12 3448 380 87.11 93.42 6.31
PzMJAAAAQAAJ en_best 61 8 2294 234 90.17 92.74 2.57
wggOAAAAQAAJ en_best 19 3 716 94 91.49 92.55 1.06
WjMfAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 183 23 7363 814 71.62 91.52 19.9
MzQJAAAAQAAJ en_best 36 5 1265 201 88.56 90.55 1.99
fAoOAAAAQAAJ en_best 40 6 1675 121 86.78 87.6 0.82
kggOAAAAQAAJ en_best 40 6 1572 243 82.72 82.72 0.0
oNEyAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 73 10 2874 386 68.39 79.02 10.63
htQwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 78 10 3990 464 69.18 78.02 8.84

Tab. 2: Performance comparison of baseline model and fine-tuned model for each document in our corpus. For almost all documents there is a large improvement over the baseline even with a very limited number of fine-tuning samples. The sum of lines and characters depicted in the table do not add up to the numbers reported in the text because during training we used an additional split of the data as an evaluation set that had the same size as the test set respectively. [Lassner et al. 2021]

Document Group baseline model Train # lines Test # lines Train # chars Test # chars baseline character accuracy fine-tuned character accuracy δ
English Antiqua en_best 650 82 26793 3406 94.19 96.21 2.02
German Fraktur fraktur_1_best 3449 432 145928 17577 85.89 95.99 10.1

Tab. 3: Performance comparison of baseline model and fine-tuned model trained on a random splits of samples within the same group. [Lassner et al. 2021]

Left-out identifier baseline model Train # lines Test # lines Train # chars Test # chars baseline character accuracy fine-tuned character accuracy δ
chroniclesofcano03scot en_best 686 50 28134 2182 99.22 99.59 0.37
H9UwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3794 96 159088 5130 96.74 99.57 2.83
aNQwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3822 65 161053 3397 97.0 99.53 2.53
chroniclesofcano02scot en_best 709 25 29226 1017 99.02 99.51 0.49
zDTMtgEACAAJ fraktur_1_best 3794 96 159131 5430 95.05 99.43 4.38
anneofgeierstein03scot en_best 708 26 29144 1062 98.68 99.34 0.66
t88yAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3786 105 160286 4181 91.13 99.28 8.15
anneofgeierstein02scot en_best 684 53 28053 2181 98.3 99.27 0.97
DNUwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3794 96 159113 5228 95.26 99.01 3.75
D5pMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 3780 111 159386 5660 93.69 99.01 5.32
3pVMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 3777 115 158561 6036 94.68 98.99 4.31
zviTtwEACAAJ fraktur_1_best 3806 83 159741 4384 95.76 98.97 3.21
8AQoAAAAYAAJ fraktur_1_best 3800 89 160966 3926 94.7 98.9 4.2
1VUJAAAAQAAJ en_best 635 107 25735 4839 96.88 98.8 1.92
AdiKyqdlp4cC fraktur_1_best 3793 97 160065 3736 92.34 98.47 6.13
rDUJAAAAQAAJ en_best 639 103 26265 4419 97.85 98.42 0.57
quentindurward02scotuoft en_best 687 49 28274 2223 97.35 98.34 0.99
HCRMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 3739 157 158250 6378 91.28 98.28 7.0
J4knAAAAMAAJ en_best 708 26 29219 1089 97.15 98.07 0.92
2jMfAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3703 197 155342 9181 92.43 98.04 5.61
XtEyAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3783 108 160349 4322 87.69 97.59 9.9
quentindurward01scotuoft en_best 708 26 29284 940 96.38 97.13 0.75
wggOAAAAQAAJ en_best 710 24 29362 869 92.52 96.89 4.37
_QgOAAAAQAAJ en_best 664 75 27117 3320 94.43 96.66 2.23
fAoOAAAAQAAJ en_best 685 51 28128 2007 94.72 96.61 1.89
4zQfAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3701 199 156399 8681 88.68 96.37 7.69
PzMJAAAAQAAJ en_best 662 77 27724 2817 90.7 95.49 4.79
u4cnAAAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3795 95 159827 4889 91.31 95.21 3.9
7JVMAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 3780 112 159080 5816 71.35 94.62 23.27
8dAyAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3780 111 159841 4271 84.45 94.24 9.79
htQwAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3792 98 158623 4996 88.42 94.14 5.72
YAZXAAAAcAAJ fraktur_1_best 1909 2190 89328 82910 80.68 92.92 12.24
MzQJAAAAQAAJ en_best 691 45 28714 1622 84.9 89.52 4.62
kggOAAAAQAAJ en_best 685 51 28216 1983 85.64 87.56 1.92
Fy4JAAAAQAAJ en_best 709 25 29424 943 78.9 85.15 6.25
oNEyAQAAMAAJ fraktur_1_best 3798 92 160955 3589 66.31 84.79 18.48

Tab. 4: Model performance evaluated with a leave-one-out strategy. Within each group (German Fraktur and English Antiqua), an individual model is trained on all samples except from the left-out identifier on which the model is tested afterwards. The performance of the fine-tuned model is improved in each case, often by a large margin. [Lassner et al. 2021]

[42]In the third setting, we trained multiple models within each group, always training on all books of that group except one and using only the data of the left-out book for testing. In all settings, we also report the performance of the off-the-shelf OCR model on the test set for comparison.

[43]As depicted in Table 4, the performance of fine tuning improves character accuracy each time even for the held-out book. This shows that the fine-tuned model indeed did not overfit on a specific book but captures patterns of a specific script. We should note, that in some cases of the third experiment different volumes occur as individual samples, for example, the second volume of Anne of Geierstein by Scott was not held-out when tested for the third volume of Anne of Geierstein. Scripts in different volumes are often more similar than scripts of the same font type which might improve the outcome of this experiments in some cases.

[44]For all three experiments, the Kraken OCR engine with a German Fraktur model and an English model was used as baselines. They were provided by the maintainers of Kraken.[26]

[45]In the context of the research project for which this data set was created, the performance gain is especially relevant as research shows that a certain level of OCR quality is needed in order to be able to obtain meaningful results on downstream tasks. For example, Hamdi et al. show the importance of OCR quality on the performance of Named Entity Recognition as a downstream task.[27] With additional cross training of sub-corpora we are confident that we will be able to push the character accuracy beyond 95% on all test sets that will enable us to perform translatorship attribution analysis.

[46]More generally, the results show that in a variety of settings, additional ground truth data will improve the OCR results. This advocates strongly for the publication of a greater range of, and especially more diverse, sets of open and reusable ground truth data for historical prints.

[47]The data set we thus created and published is open and reproducible following the described framework. It can serve as a template for other OCR ground truth data set projects. It is therefore not only relevant because it shows why the community should create additional data sets: it also shows how to create the data sets and invites to new publications bound to bring Digital Humanities research a step forward.

[48]The data pairs are compatible with other OCR ground truth data sets such as e. g. OCR-D[28] or GT4HistOCR[29]. Using the established PAGE-XML standard enables interoperability and reusability of the transcriptions. Using open licenses for the source code and the data, and publishing releases at an institutional open data repository ensures representativeness and durability.

6. Conclusion

[49]The work we realized in order to constitute the data set we need for our stylometric research provided not only a ground truth data set, but also a systematic approach to the legal issues we encountered in the extraction of information from the scanned books we rely on as a primary source. While we have been successful at automating many work steps, improvements could still be envisioned.

[50]In future work, we would like to enrich the links to the original resource with additional links to mirrors of the resources in order to increase the persistence of the image sources, whenever available also adding OCLC IDs as universal identifiers.[30] We would also like to look into ways to automate the download of the PDFs from Google Books, the Internet Archive or CHIs. Also, we would like to extend the framework we proposed here. It could serve for hybrid data sets with parts where the copyright for the image data is unclear (then published as data set formula), and others with approved image redistribution (which could then be published as a built data set). It could be used for example for the datasets from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

[51]Finally, we would like to encourage scholars to publish their OCR ground truth data set in a similarly open and interoperable manner, thus making it possible to ultimately increase accessibility to archives and libraries for everyone.


[52]This work has been supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research as BIFOLD.

List of contracts

[53]The contracts between

  • a number of US-based libraries and Google is available here,
  • the British Library and Google is available here,
  • the National Library of the Netherlands and Google is available here,
  • the University of Michigan and Google is available here,
  • the University of Texas at Austin and Google is available here,
  • the University of Virginia and Google is available here,
  • Scanning Solutions (for the Bibliotheque Municipale de Lyon) and Google is available here,
  • University of California and Google is available here.


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List of Figures with Captions

  • Tab. 1: Responses of library institutions to our request to grant permission to publish excerpts of the scans for which they were contractors of the digitization. Most institutions responded within a few working days and except for the fact that most acknowledged the public domain of the items, the responses were very diverse. Many answered that they are either not responsible or only responsible for their Library Copy of the PDF. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Fig. 1: Excerpt of a METS file as used in our data set. For each book, we created one METS file. The link to the resource contains the identifier and the page number. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Fig. 2: Excerpt from the PAGE file showing the bounding box of the line on the page image and the corresponding text string. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Fig. 3: Excerpt from the METS file as used in our data set. For each book, we created one METS file. This part of the METS file contains the references to the PAGE files. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Fig. 4: Excerpt from the METS file as used in our data set. For each book, we created one METS file. Together with the links to the image resources shown in Figure 1, and the links to the PAGE files, the METS file holds the connection between the text lines and the page images. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Tab. 2: Performance comparison of baseline model and fine-tuned model for each document in our corpus. For almost all documents there is a large improvement over the baseline even with a very limited number of fine-tuning samples. The sum of lines and characters depicted in the table do not add up to the numbers reported in the text because during training we used an additional split of the data as an evaluation set that had the same size as the test set respectively. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Tab. 3: Performance comparison of baseline model and fine-tuned model trained on a random splits of samples within the same group. [Lassner et al. 2021]
  • Tab. 4: Model performance evaluated with a leave-one-out strategy. Within each group (German Fraktur and English Antiqua), an individual model is trained on all samples except from the left-out identifier on which the model is tested afterwards. The performance of the fine-tuned model is improved in each case, often by a large margin. [Lassner et al. 2021]